

━━ n. 副詞.ad?ver?bi?al

if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0) {

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'menu', 'true',
'allowFullScreen', 'false',
'movie', '/dic',
'salign', ''
); //end AC code

 ━━ a., n.ad?ver?bi?al?ly ad.adverbial clause [phrase] 副詞節[句].

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"Journey" and the beautiful illustrations of the ultimate new skills - arcade mop

November 27, "Journey" ultimate launch 45 new technologies, In addition, the balance of the section 15, the characteristics of the job, from five distinct Nirvana enhance their professional career as a major one! Here are some skills, more skills, the delight of game players to experience.
Fire Law

Sun Fire Fuoriyaoyuwan
Skill Name: Fuoriyaoyuwan Sun
Described skills: (7) one single attack skill, 20000 points, magic attack power. (This instrument, occupation forces attacked the top of most all of BT's skills.)
Law of ice

Conversion of the heavens and the ice
Skill name: the diversion of the heavens and
Described skills: (7) after the attack skill of the state, 80 percent of physical attacks, magic attacks to do 40 may have been converted to a second continuous use 50 percent. Containers and magic, Duishou to defend the tomb is not mounted (this movement in France, as the ice and break a high attack damage by reducing physical injury, both physical and magic of each a pair.)

Thousands of miles of ice in ice
Skill Name: Frozen miles
Described skills: (7) one single attack skill, 15,000 points, magic attack power.
Electrical system

Electrical power of lightning
Skill Name: Rolling Thunder
Described skills: (7) one single attack skill, 15,000 points, magic attack power.
Bow and arrow system

Afraid of the arrows of the bow of the soul
Skill name: Seoul fears arrow
Described skills: (7) is used, the goal of dismounted, the target can be started within three seconds.

Archer of the lung Chang
Skill Name: lung
Described skills: (7) one single attack skill, 12,000 points, an extra 3000 points in the physical attack power, damage, add a large amount of 7 percent hit rate. Blow high (high attack, and large arch, spike increases the probability of a person of the arrow.)
Trap line

Hell Wanjie trap system
Skill Name: One Hell 杰地
Described skills: (7) when the ground beneath his feet, after the volume of blood per second from 10 to 12 percent of the enemy to create a new trap will trigger the decline of a second, trapped 26 continuous seconds. (Anti-terrorism skills, and strong and inevitable death Xueniu.)

Sho Senseshonsandiego trap system
Skill name: Sho sensation Diego
Described skills: (7) the skills of the state, the use of the post - 400, this state is to slow the speed of a moving target that is very appealing sustained 10 seconds. (PK provides vocational skills and play the short-range super-boss, the result is obvious.)
Tenzin summons

God of the earth we call God
Skill Name: God's people down to earth
Described skills: (7) additional damage in 9000 after the merger of state and after using the attack, 120 has continued to use the skills seconds. (This skill is using 70,000 points, the ultimate passive skill "god of strength" so you can add blood, thick blood Youmeng attack are calling for a division of)
Magic combat system

Reversal of yin and yang magic war
Skill name: reversal of yin and yang
The 8000 attack power to increase the role of physical points, lasting 40 seconds description of the skills: (7) skills in the state after the attack, the chance to convert to 100% magic attack physical attack 50% is used. The physical damage to the equipment and vessel injury spell is broken (this motion, the battle can be physically magic, magic attack power double high, respectively, Duishou to defend the non - available phosphorus).
Xi An
Sen University

Mark Wang Sen
Skill Name: King Publishers
Described skills: (7) the skills of the state, the release of my body, after using five kinds of unique properties increased 300 points, continued to 300 seconds. 5 properties for each one (plus 300 points, this is a special attribute points, the fear is very roughly equivalent to 300 liters 1,500 points total!)

歯科 wiki | 祝福の宝石 | MU rmt  |


90 Xiaoya軍事訓練および装置、太陽の光+日曜の修理(まだ決まっていないは、バーをあなたにポイント?)


高2031で、圧力痘のたくさん遊んだ現在絶滅の危機が、ほとんどの生理的なフェーズでは、梅毒にかかる。 。 。

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